lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

How can a blog help me as an English teacher?

That’s a great question, until two months ago I had just heard the word “Blog” as something that seemed to me to be “Very freak".

Now I know is just one more social network as much others which you can use to communicate yourself, with others or share some opinions, likes or thoughts.

Before starting my degree 5 years ago, internet use to be for me a big word which made me afraid and uncomfortable and which I thought had nothing to do with me.
As I wasn’t very interested in new technologies I never had  tried to experiment or learn anything in relation with that before, until the day I started to look for some information in any websites, download some lovely songs and talking with some friends through a chat or some social network like Facebook... then I couldn`t stop anymore...

I think, as everyone knows, that things are going fast in relation with new technologies and all of us should make sure to learn at least some basic ones, just as useful sources to acquire new knowledge´s, information to learn, share and make life plenty as much.

In this way social networks are useful for us as teachers, in the sense that makes possible contact with pupils every single time they need our help and do not limit the interaction teach-learn to just one specific timetable and place. It also makes possible connecting with other English teachers as well.

Finally I have to say I´m glad to have learned how to manage my laptop, so far I could have made this blog and in the future I hope to have much more knowledge so that I can make great interactive activities through the website, where my English pupils can participate, give me their opinion and share lovely learning experience.

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